Our Vision

- Providing lifelong education and training that produces graduates with the skills necessary to sustain individual career success within a global economy
- Providing employers and communities with the human resources they will require for economic success and contribution to the community
- Tking a leadership position in influencing education and other related public policies;and conducting applied research that will create the new products and services necessary for sustaining the economic health of our external community
- Providing high quality, innovative, and responsive education and training programs, including comprehensive education that lead toward certificates, diplomas and applied degrees
- Advancing new approaches to education, including academic centres of excellence
- Entering into alliances with industry and academic partners to enhance Centennial’s education and applied research thrust
- Promoting the unique character of Centennial’s campuses
- Providing an effective, supportive, safe, accessible and affordable learning environment,using state-of-the-art information technologies, where appropriate, to support these directions